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A-woo! A-woo! A-woo!
Lemme see…
Eat all you can buffet bar by the beach…
Big fish / Smart event in Station 2…
Techno dance party with Globe in Station 1…
Reggae music and Rasta crowd in Creek’s Bar…
Sand castles…
Huge Havaianas…
Beer, beer and more beer…
Sex on the beach…
Of course, I was talking about the cocktail drink, not THE actual sex on the beach. That would be illegal. That pretty much sums up our first night, a Black Saturday, in Bora. But lemme back track a little…
Fafi Cito and I were really excited about going back to Creek’s Bar, him more than I was, although Creek’s has always been a fave of mine since two years ago. Last year, my sister, Fafi, Feypot and Sir Resty spent the night under the stars, on the sand, listening to awesome island music in Creek’s. I dunno, there’s always something special about the colors red, green, yellow and black. They spell fun! The reggae kinda fun. And Fafi, being a fan of Bob Marley and everything Rasta, put finding Creek’s on top of our agenda tonight. Despite years of spending summer here in Bora, I still couldn’t remember where the good bars are. It didn’t help that the sh
ore changes face practically every month! What I did remember was the gecko lizard logo of the bar… and that it’s in Station 2. So while waiting for the two girls to get dressed for dinner, Fafi and I walked from Station 3 to Station 2 looking for Creek’s and commit the directions to memory, which wasn’t that difficult to do since ALL bars practically line the beach. Anyway, we ran into a few more familiar faces… I literally bumped into Will Devaughn, coz I was a tad too preoccupied with getting the sand off my flipflops. Nice guy. And a bit shorter than I am. Haha! Ran into that Polo guy again. And Aliya Parcs, THE ultimate crush. Haha! Anyway, by the time we got back to the beachside resto, the girls we were supposedly waiting for didn’t wait for us anymore and immediately stuffed their huge mouths. Talk about gratitude. Haha! But it was okay. We just couldn’t wait to get through dinner and hit Creek’s…
Reggae and the beach really do go together. Over drinks, awesome music and a bit of discussion on vanity issues which, I still firmly believe, plague our friend Donna, the night was shaping up to be one of them fun ones which we always have here in Bora. We met up with our other friends who were also scouring the island for good hangout places. We spent a few hours in Creek’s, although I still can’t remember the name of the band who played that night… The lead vocals were really good. We made our way to Station 1, passing through, but not stopping for, the Big Fish thing. We saw a few more recognizable faces. I think we saw Iago Raterta with a group of what seemed to us like models? Bora at peak season is a virtual parade of Amazon babes and Spartans. Next year, we’re gonna be Spartans and Amazon babes ourselves! Haha! We can only dream. The Globe event near Cocomangas seemed much more fun so we went there instead. I actually wanted to be there for only one reason: ALIYA PARCS! Haha! Champ Lui Pio (I think that’s his name) of Hale was there with Bianca King… And John Lapuz, too. And a lot more whose names escape me right now. I think two servings of sex on the beach and three bottles of San Mig Light aren’t a good combo…
Hmmm… I’ll just let the photos tell the story. Imma hit the sleeping bag for now. We’re gonna do the island-hopping/snorkeling thing again tomorrow. Gnite, guys and gals! It was a really fun night! :) 
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