I woke up this morning quite early. I dunno. The bed was comfy, although the sheets weren’t exactly made of Egyptian cotton. Someone turned the thermostat up during the night. And everyone knows I like my room frigid and blustery cold. Then again, I’m sharing a room with Fafi Cito (whose idea of “cold” would be anything less than 25 degrees!), Fe (totally devoid of insulation), Donna and Sir Larry (let’s face it… age makes people cold intolerant), and August (dunno much about his internal thermostat… the guy needs some serious script-reading!), so I guess I’d have to bear with the slightly higher room temperature than I’m usually accustomed to. Anyway, I woke up before everyone else did (I heard some serious snoring from the bed right next to mine… whoever the culprit was, I had a pretty good idea although my survival instinct prevents me from spilling it out, since she could jump on me and turn me flat as a pancake…), and instinctively headed for the door to check on our friends next door and also to see the sunrise. As a Manila denizen, I hardly ever get to see the sunrise, partly coz of the blanket of smog that shrouds the city, and partly coz I get up before the sun does, or I sleep through most of the morning and shake the sheets off after the sun hits its zenith. On my way out, with my eyes still half-closed and my brain still in hibernation mode, I hit my head on a wooden plank jutting from the roof of the cottage… They freakin’ built the roof way too low for a 6-footer guy like me! Dazed and bruised, and hugely embarrassed after being seen by the other early birds clumsily walking towards the beach, I managed to plop my ass on a chair, massaging my head and trying to remember who I was. Haha!
After a hearty breakfast of, what else, hotdogs and eggs, we started to get ready for what the oldies planned for the day… island hopping and some more snorkeling. Apparently, where we went to yesterday was only a sample of the beauty that Guimaras is. There were still lots more to explore, and more reefs to see.
Today’s adventure began with a short boat ride to an enclosed portion of the sea where the water was still and the coral garden pregnant with marine life. The schools of fish were diverse, and we did see a few sea snakes swimming towards cracks of underwater caves. The water was, as usual, refreshingly cold despite the searing hot sun. Sir Olan swiped a blue starfish. Oh, and did I mention yesterday that he also caught a puffer fish? Well, Aquaman did. I’m not a good swimmer, so I stayed close to the boat. The others went about exploring the reef, sans snorkels. Galing! Anyway, it was really fun!
We had lunch on
Guimaras, I have to concede, is one place I didn’t even consider in my list of places-to-be during the summer. It has always been either the mountains up north, or Bora. But the place found its way into my heart. Maybe it just wasn’t the place. I went there with a mixed up gang of people I’ve never gone on vacation with, with the exception of Fafi Cito. But that was such a really fun, and loud, group! But, of course, what made the adventure special was the wealth of marine life that greeted us. It’s a good thing the natives worked really hard to bring back the beauty of the place.
Oh, and we missed the crucifixion. Darn. But we did get to do the stations of the cross, all 15 of ‘em, Of course, we had to climb a steep hill (nobody told us about a hill!), but the view at the top was well worth the climb! A small chapel was strategically built right next to an observation tower with a huge cross. I’m suspecting DJ knew about the climb that’s why he opted to stay behind. It’s his loss, though. Haha!
Tomorrow, we’re heading back to
We got off the boat at the Iloilo port at around 9AM this morning, and went straight by jeepney to the other side of the city to board the ferry that would take us to Guimaras Island, first stop in our island-hopping adventure. The sun was already beginning to sear our skin. Good thing we did dab on some sunblock right before we checked out of our cabin. Mine was SPF 50. I learned the hard way not to mess around with SPFs. The only sunblock I should use, and this is medically-proven, should have an SPF of at least 45. When I went to the mall a few days ago to pick up some stuff I needed for this trip, I was so in a hurry to get back home and start packing that I practically just grabbed stuff that looked familiar off the shelf. The sunblock I brought with me did have an SPF of 50. But it also had whitening ingredients! Good luck, tan. Dammit. Haha! I know I would have to bear with endless teasing from the two hags Fafi Cito and I brought along. Haha! Well, SPF 50 with whiteners is much better than first-degree burns.
We had lunch at this resort right beside ours. It was a virtual cornucopia of the sea’s bounty! I really didn’t intend on flaunting my belly during this trip, but this afternoon’s lunch did nothing for my diet. Oh, well… We’re here to have fun, and what could be more fun than stuffing our mouths silly with grilled "everything"! We waited for 45 minutes (everything in Guimaras, apparently, takes 45 minutes!) before they served us our lunch, and during the wait, we whiled away the time by people-watching. Don’t you love sun glasses? Especially the dark, heavily-tinted ones? Haha! Anyway, after lunch, we went straight to our resort, unwound a little, then slipped into our swimming stuff and went onboard another pump boat that would take us to the surrounding islands for some snorkeling. Good thing I brought my own snorkel set. I can’t bear the thought of using snorkels that have been inside someone else’s mouth. Eewww…
NOTE: I love my O2 atom... Being away from my laptop is something I can't bear. Ever. But having my atom with me is like having a security blanket. And in the next few journal entries, I'll be posting entries in my atom which I wrote while I was on my 6-day Holy Week adventure with friends. Thank God for small favors. :)
Toiletries... Check!
Wet ones, tissues... Check and check!
Undies... Check!
Sunblock... Check!
Charger... Check!
Flipflops... Check!
Aquashoes... Check!
Boardshorts, shirts, trunks... Check, check and EWWWW!
Guimaras, Bora and Mindoro, HERE WE COME!
It's been a while since I last frolicked under the sun, and, after days of careful deliberation and endless squabbles with Donna, Fe and Fafi Cito on where we're gonna spend our summer break, we decided on joining our other friends on an island hopping adventure that would take us all the way to Iloilo, Guimaras, Capiz, Aklan, Bora and Mindoro. Sagada always was on top of our list, except that Donna pretty much was chicken about the whole "Pag nadulas ka, patay! Pag nakabitaw ka, patay!" thing, that, serious as we were about enduring the 14-hour (total) road trip from Manila to Sagada just to get a whiff of that oh-so-precious fresh mountain air (my sixth, Cito's second, Donna and Fe's first), we decided to save Sagada for some other time when the people we'd be going with would be more "game" about it. I'm quite sure that Fe, cowgirl as she is, would be as game as ever. But Donna might be the proverbial "fly in the ointment." So instead of the mountains, we'd be turning 180-degrees and head instead for the beach! Bora has always been a favorite place of mine. Save for 2003 and 2004, I've spent most of my yearly summer getaway on that paradise island which has evolved from an idyllic to a party place. But it has never lost its charm...
I was very excited about going to Guimaras. Before this, I've never set foot on that island. Most of what I know about Guimaras I saw on the news after that infamous oil spill. But Sir Larry and DJ swore that the spill has been cleaned up, and the island's back to its full glory. And we'd be going there via Super Ferry! A ship. On water! Yikes! I'm scared of being on open sea. I dunno where this virtual hydrophobia came from. It's not so much water that makes me shake in my socks (I don't wear boots), but the thought of not seeing land for miles... I don't remember ever having a bad experience in the water, but my idea of traveling would be jumping in a car, or checking in an airport and boarding an airbus to Cebu, Kalibo or wherever. This would be my first "boat" trip, and this morning, I was excited and anxious at the same time. But being with friends kinda dampened the anxiety and after checking in at the South Harbor (which, I must say, didn't disappoint me... I mean, it looked, well, "acceptable"), we had fun while waiting for when we could board the ship.
Super Ferry looked like an average 3-star hotel inside. And the trip wasn't bad at all. In fact, I'd go as far as saying I actually had fun! Of course, most of it was because of the people I was with. A bunch of real wackos! Haha! And we made a new friend. Stephen, whom everyone mistook for a Chinese national, except that he actually spoke better Tagalog than I do! And I slept like a log until the wake-up call the following morning...
This afternoon, we were on the ship's bow, enjoying the sea breeze (more like a sea "hurricane," what with the wind-blown hair we all sported when we went inside) and took snap shots of the sunset over some island (ano nga uli yun, DJ?)... Nature's so wonderful and awesome. I can't wait to get to Guimaras...