This afternoon, I went out to give Mom flowers at Forest Lake, my usual routine every Sunday afternoon. It's been almost 6 months since Mom passed on, and I can't help but think that, maybe, this is what a lot of people were talking about... a scar that won't heal. I got this text message a couple of days ago... It's something about the different kinds of scars that we sustain as we go through life's struggles and fight the battles we were ordained to fight. Some scars heal and leave a faint mark. Others leave a disfiguring trace that people wear with pride, symbols of battles fought and won. Still, there are some scars that simply won't go away. And with time, they persist, often sadistically teasing us with searing pain to remind us that, sometimes, there are battles we were never meant to win. They are a constant memento of life's bitter blows and painful wallops. The thought filled my heart with so much longing for the Mom that I lost not too long ago. It still brings me pain and sadness, like a scar that opens up and bleeds with every good or bad memory. But maybe, just maybe, this is a scar that I am proud to wear... For, like the love that was shared between Mom and I, this scar will never leave. It shouldn't leave. Like the love that bears its name, this one is meant to last forever. Mom may have left us physically, but she's very much alive in my heart. God has written her name there with His quill... And its ink will never dry up... Not time, not distance, nothing can ever erase it... I love you Mom... And I miss you so much...
NOTE: While Manang and Dad were trimming the lush growth of grass over Mom's grave, my gaze was caught by an odd cloud formation that seemed to take the shape of a feather. Dad said it's called a "jet stream"... It was so beautiful I hurried to take a picture of it with my camera phone. It's a good thing I always have my phone with me, coz the cloud formation lasted only for less than a minute. It kinda reminded me of Mom... Beautiful, yet fleeting... No wonder God was in such a hurry to take her back. Such a beautiful person is not meant to stay for long in this imperfect world...